The Complete Tipping in Mexico Guide

tipping in mexican restaurant

We’ve just come back from Mexico, where we found that tipping is extra important as many service industry workers rely on gratuities to supplement their basic wages. If you’re planning a trip to Mexico, it’s crucial to understand the tipping…

Blue Light Cards Discount List 2023

The Blue Light Card scheme offers an exclusive range of discounts only for those working in the emergency services, social care, armed forces and other important roles. Who can apply for a Blue Light Card? You can apply for a…

How to Save Money on Nespresso Pods

I’ve had my De’Longhi Nespresso Lattissima Touch since Christmas, and have loved it since, especially for working from home. Pressing a button for an instant cappuccino is just what I need before starting work. Although with official Nespresso pods costing…

Monzo Plus Review: Innovative or Waste of Money?

Monzo released the first version of Monzo Plus back in 2019, to a lot of controversy and seemingly small interest within their community. This was quickly withdrawn, and Monzo said they would bring out a new version based on the…